

All prices were chosen with deep intention based on Numerology.

Numerology is the belief of a mystical relationship between numbers, objects and ideas.



Five is a number of courage and represents energy that is fearless, imaginative and dedicated to uncovering the truth. The number 555 represents an opportunity and change that is coming to your life, one that will lead you to greater authenticity.



Six is the number of comfort, love and beauty, and termed the “motherhood” number. It represents the third-eye chakra. The number 666 is associated with bringing balance back to your life, and it is a reminder to embrace personal wellness.



The number 7 relates to seeking truth and thinking deeply about the world around you. The number 777 indicates that you are in full alignment with your true self, your purpose and the universe. It's a sign to keep working towards what is meaningful to you, as that brings light and energy to you and those around you.



The number 1 holds masculine energy, representing initiation, action and courage. A sequence of 1’s is considered to be a symbol of awakening to a new way of perceiving reality. It is about following your instincts and represents a call to be strong and confident.



The number 1414 is an empowering symbol, highlighting that we can develop our foundations and shape our lives the way we want to.



The number 1515 alludes to new opportunities that are on their way, which will enhance and enrich your life. Being mindful of your thoughts, words and actions will help you to positively influence the changes that are to come.



The number 1616 is a blend of the numbers 1 and 6, which amplifies their influences. This number serves as a message to keep thoughts and actions positively framed, and to let go of anything that is materially oriented or negative in your life.